Whether you’ve heard of LTK or are currently on it, LTK is one of the most utilized affiliate platforms for monetizing content used by content creators. And for good reason! It’s easy to use, the consumer-facing side of the platform is great for shopping, and there are so many brands on it making monetizing content easy. At The Social Icing, we get a lot of qustions about the platform and our LTK management services, so we thought it would be fun to answer all of your LTK questions in one spot so they’re easy to reference in the future!

All of Your LTK Questions Answered
What is LTK?
Previously known as rewardStyle (the creator side) and LIKEtoKNOW.it (the consumer side), LTK is one of the most popular affiliate programs used within the blogging/content creation industry. It is a platform that allows content creators to make images and videos easily stoppable for their readers and audience. Through the LTK Creator app, you can link items (fashion, style, beauty, home, etc.) from thousands of retailers and earn a commission when someone purchases an item through your link. In addition to linking products to images and videos through the app, you can also create widgets to embed on your website, so users can easily shop looks right from your blog.
How Do I Create a Shoppable Image in LTK?
Once you have the LTK app installed on your phone, you’ll be able to upload your image/video to the app. Before hitting publish, you’ll want to link all of the products you want to refeence and that are in the image itself, and add in a caption with any details and keywords. Once you hit publish, your content will be shoppable through the app on the creator side!
How Do I Earn Money Through LTK?
As we mentioned before, LTK is an affiliate program which means that when you share content and LTK links to products with your audience and they make a purchase, you’ll make a small commission. The commission will vary from retailer to retailer, but it’s typically between 10-15%.
How Can I Grow My LTK Following?
One of the best ways to grow your LTK following is to educate your followers on the platform. You can also link your LTK profile in your Instagram landing page and when linking products on Instagram Stories, link back to the post directly in the LTK app. Growing your LTK following will take time, but it’s a great piece of your marketing strategy that will help you increase your commissions.
How Do Cookies Work with LTK?
One of the most frequently asked questions I get about LTK is about cookies, which makes sense. They can be confusing! Basically, cookies track your browser history and will remember the links that users are visiting. Through LTK, many retailers have a specific cookie window (30, 60, 90 days, etc.) which means that if someone clicks on your LTK link and doesn’t make a purchase right away, but goes back and purchase that product a few weeks from now without clicking on your link, you’ll still earn commission on the purchase! Similar to commission rates, cookie windows will vary from retailer to retailer.
Should I Link My LTK Shop in My Instagram Profile?
This is a tricky one! The LTK platform recommends that you do so that people can easily find your profile and drive more users to the LTK platform. But, if you talk to website/SEO strategists, they’ll recommend you create an Instagram landing page that you link to your profile. On this landing page, you can have links to recent blog posts, your LTK shop, and any other important information you want to share with your followers. By doing this, you’re sending people to YOUR own website and growing your own traffic instead of sending your audience to a third party site right off the bat.

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